What is the Nebraska
Iowa Electrical Council?
The NIEC is a two-state, non-profit
organization dedicated to serving all facets of the electrical industry
The NIEC is in its 62nd year of service. The mission of the NIEC is
to serve the industry by combining the various capabilities of member
groups and allied organizations into coordinated activities which identify
and provide educational opportunities and periodic communication with
the membership.The NIEC seeks to bring about better understanding and
cooperation among the various branches of the electrical industry through
a better means of communication between the various interests.The NIEC
office and staff are supported by membership dues. Additional funding
for specific programs and projects is provided by participating companies
and members.
Who are members of the
Electrical equipment manufacturers and manufacturers representatives
Electrical wholesalers, distributors and supply houses
Electrical contractors and electricians
Heres why you should join and participate in the Nebraska Iowa
Electrical Council
"Membership Directory
and Manufacturer's Product Listing". A monthly publication with complete
information about NIEC members as well as a buyers guide showing
hundreds of product lines and the reps who show them.
. Insurance Plans available to members. Property and casualty
a full range of
Bond programs.
Education through Code Conferences. Discounts to members for
Code Conferences produced by the NIEC. Stay up-to-date on the NEC by
Trade Shows produced regularly by the NIEC bring buyers and sellers
together. Keep abreast of the rapidly changing technology of the electrical
Social Activities. Annual golf outings
Christmas luncheon
meetings conducted at various locations in the two-state area.
Learn how others are meeting the challenges of the electrical
industry as we approach the 21st century and gain a broader perspective
on how our industry interact.
What should I do?
Click here to download a membership application form. Check the proper box and we will bill you, if you prefer.
Mail or Fax the form to the NIEC office. Join today to be a part of
a growing organization. Start taking advantage of the many benefits
of membership.